Festive Tips For Saving Energy From Mansons!

1) Only heat the rooms you are using.

We tend to get the odd guest at Christmas, and there is often a full house with children back from university and such, but if you have spare rooms that are not in use, avoid heating them. Then when the kids back to university and the relatives return home, you can turn off the heat in those rooms to balance out the bills come the New Year.

 2)      Invest  ininsulation.

The Energy Saving Trust advises having at least 270mm thick loft insulation. According to their research, this could save you up to £150 a year as well as conserving energy.

3)     Use your boiler wisely

Using the timer function on your thermostat ensures that you only use energy when you need it. The heating doesn’t need to be on while you are at work, so save yourself some pennies and some energy by turning it off during those hours. Instead, set it to come on half an hour before you arrive home from work; this way you come home to a warm house. It is also a good idea to programme the heating to come on half an hour before your morning alarm goes off. This will ease those painful winter mornings.

4)     Check the temperature setting

Make sure you set your thermostat set at the lowest comfortable temperature. This will ensure that your house is no warmer that it needs to be. Between 18ᵒ c and 21ᵒc is recommended. This does not mean that you have toonline casino be cold, you can test it by turning it down two degrees for a few days and monitoring when you feel cold.

5)     Don’t turn the thermostat up because it is cold outside

The temperature you are comfortable at is the same in summer as it is in winter. The thermostat will heat up the house to the temperature you have set. It may be snowing outside, but that doesn’t mean that it needs to be 27ᵒc inside to warm you up.

6)     Get out those Christmas Jumpers!

It may seem obvious, but putting on more layers of clothing will help regulate your body temperature. It is all too easy to push a button to put the heating on and start wasting energy. If you put on an extra layer and still feel cold after half an hour, then maybe the heating does need to be turned up. (Ask for some fluffy Christmas slippers, bare feet on cold kitchen floors will always make you feel a chill!)

7)     Check your water temperature

Heating your water also costs money and energy. Turn the thermostat down on your water as this will prevent your showers and baths from being unnecessarily hot.

8)     Block the drafts

A cold draft from the bracing winds outside will cool your house down a lot, so keep them at bay with draft excluders. They will also prevent vital heat from escaping through the gaps underneath your doors.

9)     Pay attention to your windows

Double glazed windows are more effective than single glazed at preventing heat draining from your house. The Energy Saving Trust calculates that a detached property could save up to £175 a year in energy costs by investing in good double glazing.

10)  Treat yourself to a hot chocolate!

Although putting the kettle on nine times uses a kilowatt of energy, this is a lot less than it takes to put the heating on. It may seem a bit old fashioned, but drinking a nice warm drink will heat you up. But, make sure you only put the amount of water in the kettle that you will need.  Or you can make the best hot chocolate your”ve ever drunk in a pan on the hob by heating 300 mls of milk, adding 150 mils of pouring cream, 3 tablespoons Nutella chocolate spread and a tablespoon of Cadburys chocolate buttons.  Stir and melt the chocolate into the milk and cream, until its hot but not boiling. Add some whipped cream and marshmallows on the top for an extra treat! Its fantastic!