Summer is arguably the best time of the year, with the August sunshine making it the ideal time to relax and unwind after university deadlines and exams. It can be tough though, with there being no student loan instalment for 5 whole months! Check out these top 5 tips for students looking to save those pennies this summer.
Work out your budget from April onwards
As soon as your loan arrives after the Easter break, make sure you sit down and plan for the months ahead, allowing some extra cash for after exams to celebrate with meals and drinks out. It might seem boring, but it will really help in those later summer months. It’s an excuse to take a revision break, too!
Store your things at your friend’s house
Rather than having to put your things in a storage unit in the likely event that your tenancies don’t overlap, you should ask your friends if they have a tenancy starting before your current one ends; offering them some cash for their troubles. This would be massively cheaper than a storage unit and saves on petrol having to transport things between home and uni.
Reclaim your deposit
Sticking with the topic of houses, the summer holidays means the chance to reclaim your deposit from the previous year’s tenancy. To ensure you get it all back, make sure you clean properly by moving your furniture away from walls, dust INSIDE draws (weird, I know) and wipe down walls; being sure to paint over any blue-tac marks you may have left. The chances are the colour of them is Magnolia. It’s hard work but SO worth it. It’s good exercise, too!
Make the most of the sunshine
Make the most of the summer sun by sitting in the park with picnic food from your local shop. This gets you out the house and is such a novelty. Use an old towel instead of splashing out on a picnic blanket, too! To make your money go further you should plan ahead by going to the shop the evening before- there is always great deals in the reduced section that are perfect for a picnic! A great day out for the fraction of what a full meal out would cost.
Get a job!
Those absolute dreaded words… who wants to work?! Gross. Although this is far from ideal, it does literallypay to be employed. Whether you stay in contact with the job you had at home and go there to earn some cash or apply for part-time work in your uni town, it really will help out. If you’re earning, you can’t be spending. Be sure to get your applications in early though as summer jobs tend to get filled up quickly!
Hope these tips help out the struggling students who need to save those pennies this summer! Be sure to pop in and say hello and tell us about your summer stories.